Tuesday, December 29, 2015


I hope your holiday season was lovely in whatever way you would choose. Mine definitely was, and made even better by hanging out with you all in the lead up. On that note, now that our advent calendar is done (like a boss!) I'm going to give out more presents!

There are some individual winners from my author friends still to be announced, but the winners of my personal prizes are:

Ebook of Dethroning Crown by Lila Felix goes to Nicole W

Personal Mail goes to Jessica F

Amazon Giftcard goes to Sara S.

Metallic Tattoos go to Tracy BB

Advance ebook copies of DARK TOUCH go to Cierra, Jennifer QC and Christina MW

Signed, advance copy of DARK TOUCH goes to Jennifer S

The Annotated copy of EUW goes to Rachel L.

WINNERS: I need to hear from you! I have sent emails where I've been provided details, but if you see yourself in this list and haven't heard from me, check your spam, or contact me on aimee (at) aimeeLsalter (dot) com!

All books will be sent out before the end of January. Honest reviews on Amazon and Goodreads are ALWAYS welcome, but these prizes are for your personal enjoyment, so I hope they top off your 2015!

Thanks again for being so much fun this month. See you next year???

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