Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Things You Don't Want to Miss...

1. I was interviewed yesterday about blogging and branding and being a writer over at Katherine Amabel's blog. You can read me espousing all kinds of... er... wisdom *cough cough* here.

2. Cally Jackson's book has been on the market for a month now and she's pulling back the self-publishing veil here.

3. My dearly beloved tweep, Kathryn Rose, GOT AN AGENT! (And a mighty find agent too, I might add, in a totally unbiased manner....). You can read her story here.

4. And if all that wasn't enough, PITCH WARS is ON! Choose your mentor, get good, and find yourself an agent without having to go through the rigmarole of querying. If you're an unagented author, do it. Now. (And if your book is right for them, pick my agent sister, Molly, here or my awesome CP, Sharon, here).

Your Turn: What else is going on out there that I want to read about? Link it in the comments!


  1. Yay yay yay! I'm so happy to have made this epic list! :D Thanks for the love, Agent-Sister! *HUGS*

  2. Thanks again for giving my blog post a shout out. I appreciate it! :-)

  3. Just to let you know that this week, I am launching a blog about fantasy writing along some lovely writerly friends: Raewyn Hewitt, Jessica Montgomery, Rachel Horwitz, KL Schwengel and Mara Valderran. Our blog is called There And Draft Again, and it is already live although the official launch date is Dec. 1st. Here is the link for anyone interested: http://thereanddraftagain.wordpress.com/ Thanks for helping spread the word! :)

  4. I just came from Kathryn's blog and man oh man is that some exciting news!!!!!!

    PITCH WARS sounds awesome. This I must research further.

    For now I'm in the revision hole working on Middle Grade novel and trying to nail down the right illustrations to tag along with it!!!

    Unedited has love for ya...
